1. Authors can nominate their own stories if they chose. We're not judging.
This is all in fun.
An author can only be nominated for three awards
The story has to have at least two to three chapters (unless its a one-shot, or a new story.
New Stories are only able to be nominated for the Newbie Award. Also all stories nominated for the Newbie Award has to be written in 2011, been out no longer then six weeks and/ or have three chapters.
Story has to be written in English
When nominating, please include the category, summary, story title ,the link of the story, rating and authors name.
When nominating an author for the Storyteller Award. Please chose only one story, perhaps the one that sticks out in your mind more.
Please Only nominate stories on Fanfiction.net and Twilighted.net. We are more familiar with them.
Also if the title, summary, name or link or author is missing from your nomination we will not count it as a nomination.
Okay now that that's done go nominated some stories / people/ writers